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Protection for your Business  

When a key person in a business dies it can have a devastating financial effect. You can help safeguard your business against the death, terminal or critical illness of a key person with key person protection.


How does Key Person Protection Work?

Key Person Protection is a life assurance or life assurance and critical illness cover policy taken out to cover the life of a key person within your business. The policy is owned and paid for by the employer, so any pay out is payable to the employer. 

Our experienced business protection adviser will provide bespoke levels of protection cover around your business.


Why do I need Key Person Protection?

The loss of a key person in your business could have a severe impact. The business could suffer badly, with sales and profits falling and increased workloads for the remaining staff.

Key Person Protection is designed to pay out a lump sum on the death of the insured key person, during the length of the policy. It is paid as a lump sum and could significantly help the business to recover. The proceeds can be used to help replace lost profit or finding and hiring a replacement. 

Our comprehensive research technology and tools, update daily to source you the most up to date rates available.

Get a quote call us today... 07885 108607


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